ZeroDown® Software Brings Interruption-Free Migration to AWS and Azure Marketplaces

One of the most significant hurdles in enterprise cloud adoption has been the logistical issue of migration – a task that necessitates moving massive amounts of data securely: even at saturation, moving existing data from traditional infrastructure can take months and cause slowdown and service interruption, the severity of which necessarily scales with the data involved in day to day operation. Naturally, companies with existing infrastructure haven’t been keen on the idea despite the cost and operational advantages of services like AWS and Azure.

One of the most significant hurdles in enterprise cloud adoption has been the logistical issue of migration – a task that necessitates moving massive amounts of data securely. Even at saturation, moving existing data from traditional infrastructure can take months and cause slowdown and service interruption, the severity of which necessarily scales with the data involved in day to day operation. Naturally, companies with existing infrastructure haven’t been keen on the idea despite the cost and operational advantages of services like AWS and Azure.

ZeroDown, a technology startup based in Colorado, has an IP-based solution that cleanly solves the issue of Cloud Migration, and does it well enough to convince entrenched businesses and newcomers alike to make the switch.

ZeroDown is transforming migration from an arduous journey into a systemic advantage

ZeroDown Software bases their entire suite of technologies & services around full business continuity and (surprise) zero downtime operation. Their migration tool not only prevents service interruption during migration, but synchronizes incoming transactions once the application(s) and data are transferred, preventing any potential consensus issues between each node in the network of servers it allows you to set up – which brings us to the other massive advantage of the ZERODOWN migration system – the ability to run concurrent, redundant application nodes on heterogeneous hardware and cloud platforms seamlessly within their ecosystem, with full business continuity – a practice they are fast making the industry standard. ZeroNines COO, Sean Myers, had this to say about the nature of this migration methodology:

“ZeroDown is wholly transformative – it does in Minutes and Hours what traditional lift and shift approaches do in weeks and months. Even better, we do it securely and with no data loss or downtime. ZeroDown is the new Paradigm in cloud Migration.”

The biggest barrier to cloud adoption is complacency in deployment methodology

Another significant point of contention when it comes to application migration is operating risk: regardless of access to effective migration, having business critical apps and infrastructure in a cloud ecosystem presents unique problems. The cloud is not inherently a business continuity solution, and provider downtime ofttimes translates into application downtime, and thus loss of business. This built-in risk is exacerbated by the remote nature of cloud solutions because they leave the business at the mercy of their chosen cloud platform to remedy the issue, outweighing any potential efficiencies gained from adoption. This, understandably, has resulted in many potential adopters keeping things in-house; which comes with its own inherent challenges and risks.

ZeroDown isn’t disaster recovery: it’s a complete business continuity and cloud management solution

The assumption in both camps has been that downtime and a certain level of business non-continuity is inevitable. ZeroNines is shattering that supposition via their patented one-click business continuity services, which, in addition to easy, downtime-free migration, include migration risk indexing, cross-platform, complete, multi and hybrid cloud support, and a distributed methodology for disaster prevention and maintaining continuous up-time. Myers’ take on the current ZeroDown offerings is as enthusiastic as it is disruptive:

“Prevention always, always beats recovery. We’re welcoming traditional solutions and businesses to the new world of the Cloud, in a truly secure and reliable environment with Zero Downtime. ZeroDown effectively eliminates single points of failure, top to bottom, with one click deployment. Nobody else is offering that, especially not with multi-cloud support.”

Therein lies the ‘magic’ of the system: the migration tools not only let you move your business to AWS or Azure simply and easily, they let you do so concurrently with your local applications, without vendor lock-in. The robust transaction synchronization lets you spin up as many nodes on as many systems and cloud environments as you want, and their frontend coordinates them efficiently with minimal configuration. This gives you high availability, business continuity, load balancing and seamless failover as side effects of what they consider to be best practices. No other service offers a more robust, flexible and consistent framework for downtime avoidance and effective cloud deployment.

About ZeroDown® Software and ZeroNines® Technology, Inc.

ZeroDown® Software technology provides businesses with continuous access to their company data via their Business Continuity as a Service architecture, protecting applications, and transactions in the event of network interruptions that would normally cripple the enterprise. They make this environment accessible through their Patented Application Migration as a Service software, lowering barriers to entry on cloud applications and infrastructure by eliminating downtime and replay issues inherent in other cloud migration systems. ZeroDown breaks away from traditional disaster recovery by empowering organizations of any size with new business continuity standard: virtually unbroken continuous uptime, delivered in and easy to manage, instantly deployable multi-cloud package via AMaaS™ Migration. ZeroNines’ technology leverages and maximizes customers’ current processing and storage infrastructure by operating agnostically across multiple platforms, thereby shifting the paradigm to true multi-cloud with one-click, containerized migration, and deployment. ZeroDown offers proprietary BCaaS™ architecture information security and availability solutions.

Certain statements in this press release may be viewed as forward-looking or speculative and therefore include certain risks such as the anticipated adoption rate of new cloud technologies as mentioned herein, the cost and challenges involved in significant cloud offerings and deployment strategies, and the inherent longer sales cycles associated with larger projects.

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Mike Richmond
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