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Providing Ultra High Availability with RPO=ZERO.

We’re an on-premise, hybrid, multi-cloud infrastructure ISV bringing you the next generation of business continuity and DR with Ultra HA™. Sign up for our FREE Trial Today!

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Business Continuity

ZERODOWN® Software provides just that, zero downtime. Your critical workloads need never go down again. Our Always Available™ Technology provides you a new approach to application availability on premise and/or in the cloud.

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Migration with a Safety Net

Our patented multiple geo-disbursed active sites and tools-based platform gets your applications to the cloud effortlessly with zero downtime.

Disaster Prevention

ZeroNines Always Available™ technology departs from standard disaster recovery because our technology keeps your applications available and operating at full efficiency and with no interruptions, regardless of what happens to any of your network facilities. It’s not disaster recovery. It’s disaster prevention.

Tech Leaders

ZERODOWN® Software is powered by ZeroNines, a company providing enterprises and corporations security and data technological solutions since 2000.

Zero Downtime

In technical terms, Always Available technology prevents downtime through disparate regions within a specific cloud provider and disparate cloud providers providing true hybrid multi-cloud with redundant transaction processing paths. ZeroDown Software provides High Availability Zones for Microsoft Azure Stack HCI and Hybrid cloud environments.

Our Technology

The core function of Always Available™ technology is to enable all your transactions, data exchanges, and other network activities to occur equally and simultaneously on multiple secure application servers separated by hundreds of miles. In IT parlance, all servers are “hot” and all are “active.” There is no server hierarchy, and consequently no single point of failure.

Easy to install and use Agentless Technology

  • Azure Marketplace
  • Azure Stack Marketplace
  • AWS Marketplace
  • OCP Marketplace
  • Certified with Azure Stack HCI
  • Certified with Hyper-V
  • Certified with VMware
  • Bare Metal
  • Multi-Platform Integration
  • Physical
  • Virtual
  • Cloud

Bruce Perrin, COO
Phenix Energy Group, Inc.

“The only way in which to keep all four of our Data Centers completely identical is to use ZeroNines. Its ability to update all changes to data, text and other essential information resources in real-time across asynchronous distances with no potential data loss makes Phenix’s requirements possible. It also eliminates the downtime that would normally be required to synch the data between remote locations.  Always Available is the one solution that uniquely eliminates the many single points of failure that would otherwise threaten the project and the company.”

Reuven Cohen
Founder, Enomaly

“Business continuity may be the killer app for cloud computing. We need reference architectures and models so clouds support business uninterrupted by future disasters.  ZeroNines furnishes such an architecture and technology to cloud providers and cloud users, in Always Available and CloudNines.”

Nick Allen
VP Gartner Group

“What you’ve developed in this architecture offers customers more than five nines (99.999%) availability. You essentially take Information Technology availability to ZeroNines!”

Basil Blume
IT Professional

“Finally, a solution for small and medium sized companies to up their IT game and compete more effectively with larger companies.  We can now offer service levels that rival, and in some cases exceed, larger firms providing a competitive advantage.  Always available applications are rapidly becoming an expectation, especially for millennials, where downtime is really no longer an option.”